New magnetic system MPI-R10, composed of an LCD multifunctional display, connected to a specific magnetic sensor FC-MPI, and the magnetic band M-BAND-10 for the measurement of linear and angular displacement.
Innodisk’s DDR4-3200 DRAM module lineup provides technology leaders with the performance and features necessary to capitalize on the future of computing.
Multiaxis machining can dramatically increase a shop’s competitiveness. Mastercam Multiaxis is an add-on for Mastercam Mill 3D, Router 3D, Mill-Turn, and Mastercam for SOLIDWORKS®. It improves productivity with simultaneous 4- and 5-axis machining capability for Mastercam. Mastercam Multiaxis offers a wide range of multiaxis machining strategies, both basic and advanced. These toolpaths are also useful for advanced control of 3-axis machines.
With the G4014-P groove turning holder and the double-edged DX18 indexable inserts, Walter is launching a new system for grooving and parting off on the market. The screw of the innovative new "SmartLock" insert clamping is fitted on the side.
The Swabian sharpening specialist VOLLMER has completed its range of products with a laser-based sharpening machine. The new machine concept for the VLaser 270 will be presented for the first time in spring 2020.The addition of laser technology makes VOLLMER a fullliner of tool machining and completes its range of grinding and erosion machines. VOLLMER drawn on its 111 years of experience in all fields to develop the VLaser 270. Innovative kinematics ensure fast and high-precision machining of ultra-hard cutting materials, always keeping the tool in the centre of the focal point based on the C-axis. The relevant automatic settings enable unmanned use of the VLaser 270 around the clock.